Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday July 30

Full Day!! Up at 6 and took the final test for my summer school class. Then at 7:30 Denny and I headed to Omaha. Denny had a good report on the progress of healing. He got the staples taken out and a new orange cast put on. We went to Trader Joes. I stopped and shopped a little before heading home. For supper Missy grilled and we ate way too much. Grilled burgers, hot dogs, zucchini, sweet corn, fresh tomatoes, watermelon, grapes, grilled carrots and edible pod peas. 10 of us eating and eating. At 7:30 Mandy and I headed to Lake View and we biked. I went 13 and she went 15. Great night. Home and watched Olympics. I am putting scrapbook stuff away. I don't have enough time to get it done.

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