Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012

Another full day. Up at 6:45 for one-a-day then out to the garden. Missy and Phillip were harvesting. Laura and Stephen and I picked green beans. Worked great... I went in the middle row between Laura and Stephen. It was good to visit and work together. Lynn and Toshi came and got Stephen and Laura to work on a 4-H project. I went to Laura'a at 12 for prayer for youth group and lunch. Next quick clean up (no shower) and go to Leona Stewart's funeral. I cry-ed a lot. I envision her like Anabel. I miss Anabel so. Strong, quiet, giving, hard working, never say anything bad about any one,loving life, loving family,never complaining, She is missed. by very much... now to keep on with out her is hard. A home Denny was in living room working on computer most of the day. At four I headed out to the garden so watch as share CSA member came to pick up their produce. Susan came with 4 Grands. Fun to watch the little ones play. I helped Missy pick up the CSA shed. Denny had moved to deck. That's a praise!! We sat on deck and surprisingly enough Denny was okay with picking the ends off of beans. Jensen's went to Schaller to get Suburban that was fixed... at least part top it. About 8 the interviewee guy from Angus asked us directions to Howard's . That is late. I went to see Howard and visited with Diane until 11. Uffta That is late. Great day. I can't believe Denny helped to snap beans. CSA share holders like the flowers. Pictures of leg support Denny got along great on crutches. Maybe he should race Gail in the walker. For sure, he moves in the knee scooter. That physical therapist looked like whe was 12 years old. Such a tiny petite thing, but she thought Denny did a great job. Me and my boot with Erin, Asher, and Wesley before they left for Denver on June 28th.

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