Friday, July 13, 2012

Thursday July 12.

Up early for one-a -day and to put flowers in pint jars for CSA pickup. I went to IG at 8 to get tooth glued back into place. Then to sidewalk wales where I got $75 worth of Awana Store stuff and one lady asked if I was going to buy it all and not leave anything for someone else. I felt bad, reconsidered and told store manager what the lady had said. I said I would bring some back, if she wanted me to. She said It was just fine. She was glad for me to buy the stuff. Her kids had gone to Awana and they liked it. I got a few groceries and picked up David M. to water vegetables. Then to Wall Lake to get a haircut. Back home for lunch I decided I had enough running and didn't fo to Bible study. I finished 2 assignments and submitted them. Then out to start grill. Mandy came over, and Howard and about7 we ate grilled hamburgers and zuchinni. Chilled with family on deck. Luke is coming home tomorrow. Summer pictures Miisy picking edible peas in garden this morning.
Phillip laughing at Brooks eating sour candy. Anabel and I went to a softball game. Johns loved to play Leggos with Evan.

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