Saturday, July 21, 2012

Friday July 20

Cleaned off the counter and the refrigerator. Went with B&A to GGpa's. Back to clean more. Missy had vacuumed. We moved the lazy boy over to the computer so Denny didn't have to use the slow laptop. At 11:45 I went out to pick a vase of flowers. At 12, I headed to Crawford Creek. I watched the Grands while Mandy and Missy ran around the lake and swam for 20 minutes. Then I skeedaddled to Paulsrud's and took a shower. Susan, Teresa, and I headed to Omaha for Lydia's shower. We got there about 5 and helped fix food for 100 (or more). Such good food. Cowboy Caviar, Mini tacos, Chicken Roll ups, Cup cakes, Fruit mini cream tarts, Mini raspberry cheese cakes. BBQed chicken legs, The shower was in the back yard. Tables and white table clothes and white chairs. Lumminars lined the path way. Fun to see all the young gals in Candlewood. Also got to see Rita, Melissa, and Bev Whitney. Home about midnight. Great afternoon.

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