Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday July 8 2012

Picked flowers for church. Denny didn't feel the best. I was late going to Stangl's. Met Howard at Food pride for lunch Brought some home for Denny. He didn't take any medication today during the day. We watched another movie and napped. Denny went outside for a couple hours. Really nice. He picked off basil leaves, and watched me arrange flowers in the CSA shed. We had a ham sandwich looking at the garden. Luke called on his way home from a 3000 mile 9 day trip. They left after lunch Friday June 29 and drove straight through to San Francisco, arriving about Saturday at 6 pm. A little trouble with cards and getting a place to stay. Next two days they explored the city, Fisherman's wharf, seafood, Golden Gate bridge, Hate Ashberry (whatever) Then they took scenic highway 1 down the coast of California for 2 days, camping and enjoying awesome views. Las Vegas for two nights, Headed to Sante Fe to spend two days with Colt, (Luke's college roommate)Left Sante Fe at 3:30 am for drive home on Sunday then back to work Monday July 9th. Quite the trip. Luke said it was like 4 long weekend visits all put together. (with lots of driving on both ends.) Good thing they like each other and enjoy spending time together in the car. Pictures Sunday at church the ss kids sang. Pretty cute. I had brought the basket of flowers in front of the kids and arrangements on the piano and organ.Laura came to eat lunch with us after church. Phillip and Missy put grab bars in the shower for Denny. Bob and Teresa came on July 4th at 6 am to weed the CSA acre. They stopped on for coffee with Denny and myself later.

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