Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday July 23 20 days left of summer

Hurrah!! I got the boot off!! Now not to reinjure the ankle. Early morning I puplled dry old weeks in a flower bed that will now be mowed. I dug up the clematis that was taking over my white trellis (see picture)and moved it to the area by the cupalo. I tried to move a perenial sweet pea to the white trellis. Uffta!! Don't know if they will make it, but I have the time to try... and I did this knowing that it is way to dry to move anything successfully. I went to Howard's and was there when Diane called. I watered the roses. At 12 I went tro the hospital for an xray, thento get groceries, then to Dr. Lufts and he gave me the good news I no longer needed the boot. I went to the rec center and swam 44 laps. Then home and fixed BLT's for Howard and Mandy and us. Missy took kids to dentist in am and painted the swingsets a second coat of white. At night Denny and I watched Sarah's Key from Netflicks. It was a caption movie about holocost and life afterwards.

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