Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday July 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Beth S.!!! Went outside about 7:30 and started to weed. It was Missy and Mandy's plan to work together and clean up the yard for next weekend. My they really pulled weeds, painted handrails and put rock into place. We worked hard all morning. Kenny F. and Phillip worked on painting the picket fence... and using the chain saw to cut down limbs. Missy fixed lunch. Sweet corn, maid rites, chips and tomato slices. So yummy. I left about 1:30 with Anabel and headed to Storm Lake with 2 bikes to be fixed. We dropped the bikes off. It looked promising that they could fix the wheel, but no it needed a new one. Anabel and I stopped at Prairie Peddler on the way home. Missy and Mandy went swimming at Crawford at 6:15. Denny and I started to watch Olympic ceremonies.

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