Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday July 31

Last day of July. Another full day of summer. Best to just pack the days plum full. Denny went to work today. Up and helped Missy paint the picket fence. Went to Wall Lake for a hair cut at 9:15. At home Mandy and I scraped and swept off the cement chicken coop pad. Mandy and I drove to IG and picked up Missy to swim at Crawford Creek. First stopped and got money from BC can redemption canter. We swam 30 minutes. It was great!! Then home to make tomato, basil, mozzarella, garlic, and olive oil salad. Quick shower and meet Ranae in Arthur before we headed to Storm Lake. Shopped a little, then headed to sunset salad at Kathi J.'s parent's cabin. Wonderful food, friends, and talk by Jean H. Great day. I got an A in Exceptional Learner's 898 summer school class. :) Pictures of sunset salad group, mom's and daughters, plus Denny back at work.

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