I got to talk to Brooks this am at 3:00 and tell him that G'ma didn't like him crying in the furnace room. I asked him is he was cold and told him to crawl under the blanket and go to sleep. It worked for him. He went back to sleep and I was awake from 3:30 - 5:00. I had my one-a- day. At 7 I went outside and pulled weeds in the south flower bed. I helped pick beans and sweet corn. Came in at 2 to get cleaned up. Missy came deown to vacuum for us letting them stay the past 2 nights in the basement. Great to have them use the bedrooms so their friends could stay upstairs. More than a fair trade. Denny went out to the CSA shed while share holders came to pick up their vegetables. At 7 we girls tried to get away to bike at Lakeview. The yellow bike rear tire was bent. We dropped off a share for Mary in Wall Lake. Later some one came at 9 pm to pick up Harter's share. Phillip gave them vegetables. It was great to run the trail at Lake view... 3.6 miles while Missy and Mandy rode 12 miles. Then I rode 3.6 miles on Missy college bike. I called in a Breck order. Girls worked on invitation for barn party. Two little girls playing with the barn in the background. The barn the center of the farm.

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