Monday, August 27, 2012

Grandpa comes home from hospital

Denny and Mandy left for Omaha at 6:15. I stopped to see Howard at the hospital, Mandy went into the hospital about 3 and didn’t get him out until about 5:30. They had written down the wrong medications. Cathy let me know that I have to have science Independent living class for Jen/Lauren. Two upperclassmen gone today, so 2 less classes to teach. Started recipe book with Carlie. Mandy texted me to come to Howard's house at 4:30 and go over Gpa's meds with her and Missy. I ran 4 miles very slowly. We cleaned out the coop, then watched TV with Mandy. I worked on filling out World History worksheets. I got my mouse that was in the car!!! Pictures are from 2008 when Mandy graduated from Nursing at University of Iowa.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Promotion Sunday

No donuts this am... just too slow. I worked on lesson plans before church. It was promotion Sunday. I am planning to go to the high school class this year. There were 24 in the 2-5 year old class. I had unwelcome riders in my car and so I took the ham and bread into the church building during church. When I got home I got out the vacuum and carpet spray. Luke and Karen stopped at the farm to visit and pick up CSA vegetables. Great to have less for us to process. We started to clean the house, take out trash,move furniture and vacuum. About 3:30 I headed into Bomgaars and the hospital. While I was visiting Howard, Mildred came to visit. I stayed for a while and then went to the school. Denny came in about 5:15. The nurses said Howard may be going home tomorrow. Mandy is going with Denny to Omaha, but would be able to take Dad home in the afternoon. We'll see.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Trip to SC to see Home school moms

Early start... 7:30 Loaded A&B, stopped to get Mandy, Stopped at hospital, then on to SC to meet moms at Panera at 9:30. Then to a family's home because she had a overnight party and couldn't make it to Panera. She needs to know in advance so she can schedule her week, yet I don't usually have advance notice of when it will work in my life to go to SC and meet. Uffta. We did a little shopping, Mandy got scrubs at the uniform store, I got 2 tanks at Target, bread store, and McD lunch to eat on the way home. When we got to the hospital about 1:45 Denny and Phillip were there. Dad was in the mood for a brat. Linda had mentioned that they had them at the football game last night and it sounded good to Dad. Denny headed to Foodpride to get some brats to grill and bring into Dad. Karen and Luke came as we were leaving. Funniest thing that happened was that Brook's elastic pants were a little big and were falling down. I said, " Brooks, your pants are falling down." He replied," Just like the boys." He hasn't missed the HS fashion statement of the young guys that come out to work with Phillip. I got home and updated by blog with pictures. We went to Goldsmiths for supper about 6 after visiting Dad. Gary came about 6:30. I didn't sleep well at all Uffta!! Pictures are from supper. Did I tell you the everyone was pretty much watching the two little ones all night.

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Friday!!!!

Denny got to sleep in this am. No early morning meeting. I stopped to see Howard before going in to school. I brought tomatoes. The independent living class fixed BLT's and sweet corn during the 3rd hour class. Oh, yes, I had forgotten how slowly they work. And the one of the gals really isn't good with cutting up tomatoes with a knife. Yes, and one student did leave the WIT building...and head to the high school. But just made the trip from WIT to HS. YEA!! After the careers class was done with 2 quizzes we went outside and picked up trash along the fence line. It was a beautiful afternoon. (Actually, one student stayed in a worked with a para on another assignment, because he said he didn't want to pick up trash.) After school I went to the hospital. Mandy was there. She said Howard did get to see a cardio specialist who said he was amazed that Howard's heart was the same as a year ago. We ran the trail. Actually I trudged and she had a really hard time going that slow. I made call to home school moms to meet in SC tomorrow at 9:30. I got pizza for us. Denny came to eat about 6:45. It worked out great for Linda to visit Dad. She dropped Dean off at Lake City (I think) football game, came to visit with Dad, and was headed to pick Dean up after the game. Denny talked to siblings about what was needed for him to sign FSA papers for Dad. Pictures are from August 2011. Phillip's boys did not know exactly what to think of the process. Quite a learning experience. They really weren't too into it.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

CSA pick up today

Early morning for Denny. He headed to Arthur before lenders meeting. I picked flowers for Cathy's birthday yesterday. I got to hospital about 7. Howard was resting. Mandy was getting off work and stayed for Dr. Luft's report. I headed up the hill. Two students were gone today and it made life easier. BUT it makes things tough for making up work that they have missed. It is hard enough sometimes to have the students get their home work done...even if they are in school. I stopped at hospital for a short time after school. Then home to the CSA barn. Missy shared her supper of egg casserole with us. Great to have one less thing to think about. I cooked 8 of my 12 ears of sweet corn and saved the other 4 for independent living class tomorrow. Denny stayed at hospital til about 7:45 then the girls came to chill at our place. It was hard for me to go lie down at 8:30 with them out there talking. So I bought my blanket out and lay on the floor. Pictures are from last August. Anabel was showing how to dress chickens to Jensens, boys, Luke and Karen. Great memory.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Denny to SC to check on Thyroid

Howard is still in the hospital. Denny was up early to shower so he can get to SC by 8.I stopped by the hospital before going to school. Howard was sitting up and he looked pretty good. I asked them to text me when Dr. Luft came. When I came down at 8:20 Linda was here. At school a student thought about leaving, but didn't. Yea!! It is Cathy H. birthday and we talked to the student. Another student might have a chance at a paying EBCE job with the recycle truck that he would also get credit for. I had a couple of answers to Laurie's prayer for help just when I needed it. I found out I am not the best talking about reproduction/ contraception etc. but I tried my best. Tomorrow I go the the grocery store with them. Probably more up my alley. After school I stopped by the hospital and stayed for a while. Mildred came and brought flowers and Howard had me raise the head of the bed so he could visit. We three talked for a while, then I left and went outside and ran/trudged/walked the trail. After I got done I got 10 ounces for salad at 30 cents an ounce for Denny and I to share. Pretty good. Mandy came to work at 7. I visited a little before heading home. I met Missy going in to town. She was planning to walk the trail with Ranae and then stop and see Howard. At home I picked flowers for CSA tomorrow. Denny's trip to SC went fine. One of spots on his thyroid was gone and the other seemed reduced. Pictures are from last year. The get together at Sac City. What a blessing to have Howard and Anabel in our lives.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Howard in hospital

I got as text last night from Mandy. She was at the hospital and reminding me that Howard would like his paper and shaver. I stopped to get them before going to the hospital. Mandy had gone into the hospital after 10 and was sleeping on three chairs when I came into the room. He had been up several times during the night. Pretty much like home. At school the day was full. Kinda funny 3 of us teachers wore skirts today. One student is not doing well at his EBCE. It is hard to teach students how to work if they haven't seen a good work ethic. After classes I visited with teachers about some of my concerns. About 4:45 I went to the hospital. Jensens were just leaving. Mandy, Linda and Denny were there. Howard had asked for chocolate milk and sherbet for supper. I headed to the grocery store with Mandy before her friends came out to the country Condo. Mandy has decided with Howard being in the hospital to postpone her move back to Denver for a month. At home Laurie had come to get Evan for a visit at their cabin up in Minnesota. So good to share with her. Gary came to see Dad at hospital and Missy went back into visit. I was in bed by 9. Denny got home about then,too. Pictures are from Triathlon at Twin Lakes. Me and girls before race, Missy and me after we got our station set up. Getting out of the water. The girls ran( slash they walked, I trudged) the last couple miles with me. What a blessing!!!! Praise the Lord!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Howard went to the hospital

Howard was up and walking to the kitchen when I got there. He started to test his blood, but felt light headed and then went to lie down on the sofa. Then he got up and had dry heaves in bathroom. He got chilled and so I got 2 blankets to keep him warm. School was a full day. There are 3 new students for SPED room. It takes rearranging. The detention went okay after school. Howard did go to the Dr. in the am. At 3 Missy brought him into the hospital. He had a heart problem yesterday. Denny and I came after work. Then we had to go to the Legion steak fry in Odebolt. Missy stayed with Howard until we got back. I stopped over a Mandy's and Denny came over to the Country Condo after he left Howard. Full day. Pictures are from Barn party. We ate out on the deck the Friday before. Jason and Max joined us. It was great to have them here.

Sunday August 19

Kids came down for donuts. It was a full am. I went to the high school SS class with Alan H. and four students. After church we stopped at the bank to see if a customer had deposited some money. I tried to clean out the refrigerator and make up food for the week. When I went to Howard's at 4 he said his chest hurt this morning and so he didn't go to Manson. He way lying in bed; this way he could roll from one side to another. He could easily change his position if he was hurting. I planted the rose by the from step. We visited a little with Mandy who was getting ready for work then we went to prayer time at 6. Picture is of Kesed's baby dedication. It was Brian and Jenny's anniversary yesterday. The same as ours, but not as many years :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

We have been married 39 years!!

My nice husband made coffee and we had it and cinnamon rolls out on the deck. I worked on school work. Mandy came over after work and fell asleep on the love seat. She said she would like eggs and bacon about 10, but she didnt wake up and we had Howard over to eat with us. We carried the eggs and bacon up to the deck so Howard would not have to climb the steps. After we to done eating it started to be a nice gentle rain and so we sat under the overhang for a while. Then Howard went home and we chased Mandy back to the country condo. I worked on organizing my pots and pans cupboard. I reconciled the bank and my check register out under the big tree in front. At 4 we went to a show in Denison. Bourne Legacy. Then to Wal-Mart. Then to Ute for grilled prime rib and shrimp. YUM gReat anniversary. Picture is at Ute.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday August 17

Let's see, what did I do today. School flies by. I told one student he was serving a detention on Monday. That didn't make him very happy. I sent off information for an ID waiver for one of my students. When I got home the Jensens visited Sam's grave down by the creek. I read the paper out on the front picnic table until he came home. Both Denny and I had pretty crappy days. Welcome to the real world. On Fridays and Mondays Carlie comes to school. The other days she works at ISI. It will take a bit of planning. Paula has been visiting the Jensens for a couple days. Mandy works Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Denny and I chilled. Uffta. Pictures are from neat glass places. Gail, Nancy and I went to see stained glass and blown glass place. The last picture is of a glass piece that Mandy and Missy and I saw. Cool.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Garden pickup

Brooks and I went over to dad's before heading to school. We put dishes in the dishwasher. It is too early for Howard to be out of bed. Princess got lost today and Sam found her. Then on the way home, Sam got run over. So sad. When I got home, Anabel met me and showed me where SAm was. I guess Princess had gotten loose at Gpa's and come to our place. She kind of ran away and Sam found her and cornered her while Jensens caught Princey and then while they were driving to take Princey home,Sam ran under the car tire. The pictures of the CSA share look great. Picture is one of the last ones with the nice dog, Sam.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kids come to school

I stopped at Dad's before school. He was still in bed. The first day of school went okay. It seems like kind of a blur. After school I picked flowers for CSA tomorrow. Pictures are from Evan, Anabel and Brooks hiding in their bedroom.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lunch with Mandy at hospital

Another full day... or at least a lot of hours spent at school. I stopped at Howard's. He was still in bed and said that Mandy had gone to work about an hour earlier. Mandy told me later today that if Howard wasn't up it would be a good time to put away dishes, load dishwasher, etc. I stopped at the Sheriff's office before going to school to inform them that we may be calling 911 if we have a student that takes off running. Then I made a quick stop at the hospital to see if Mandy wanted to eat lunch with me. School was filled with deciding who was teaching whom in the resource room. Then I had a 11:30 family conference with principal and guidance counselor. We had it in the library. There are lots of students with lots of needs. I went to the hospital about 12:30 and met Mandy for lunch. Then back to school. Mandy called about 5 and we ran the trail. Great idea ... Thanks Mandy. Back to school til 7. It was great to come home and have Brooks greet me at the house door that opens into the garage. He was saying, "I'm naked.". Yup, you sure are Brooks. Pretty cute. Missy shared her ratatouliie with us for supper. Great to see Pete and Whitney for a short "Hi". Then to bed ... I wish I slept better. Pictures are from Barn party. Everybody eating. One mohawk, Two mohawks, Lots of Johnson guys with their mouths open

First Day of School for Teachers

I didn't sleep the best last night. Oh, yes, what will the school year bring? Lots to worry about. I know that worrying is not good ... Lord, help me to trust you. I went over to Dad's. Howard was in taking a shower when I got there. I just said Hi through the door and started in to town. I think I was in town for 12 hours. Uffta! That's a long day. Thankfully, I work with really nice ladies. Stress started when I couldn't get to the on line class on blood born pathogens ...Yea! I finally got it done. Thank you Jesus. I met with principal and sped teacher from middle school and discussed a student who I write an IEP for. Lunch was provided, but I didn't take a long time to eat it. I stayed at school and worked on stuff. Then there was an open house from 6 to 7:30. Pictures are from this weekend with Ben and Becca's kids.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Jane!! Golf with Keith and Ben

I put egg casserole in oven so it was ready to eat at 6. At 6;45 Keith, Ben and I headed to Schleswig. We played golf from 7 to 10:30. The weather was great! The company was great!! My game was not great, but a really enjoyed the time. I headed to church a little late and then went after 5 pizzas. When I got home I made a quick batch of frosting for Jan'es birthday cake.