Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thursday August 2,

Up early to get flowers ready for CSA. Hurrah for Surprise lilies, with statice and greenery. About 7:30 I started to head to the house and Missy asked me to check sweet corn. Yes, it is ready! Another 3 rows. Neal L. drove by and picked corn with us for 15 minutes. Mandy and I drove to SC. She had a dentist appointment and I set up a meeting with home school moms. We got McD's and ate while we had the oil changed. Off to Menards to get barn windows. Then to Eye Mart. Mandy got new glasses. While she went to uniform shop Anabel and I got Awana store stuff at Hobby Lobby. WalMart run next. We got home about 4:30. CSA pickup and visiting. G'ma and Kessa Phillip grilled pizza burgers. Denny was shot after work today and Mandy and Howard come over for sandwiches and tomatoes for supper. We visited in basement and kids came in and asked us to go out to see something. They had put new windows on barn. Looks so great.

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