Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday August 17

Let's see, what did I do today. School flies by. I told one student he was serving a detention on Monday. That didn't make him very happy. I sent off information for an ID waiver for one of my students. When I got home the Jensens visited Sam's grave down by the creek. I read the paper out on the front picnic table until he came home. Both Denny and I had pretty crappy days. Welcome to the real world. On Fridays and Mondays Carlie comes to school. The other days she works at ISI. It will take a bit of planning. Paula has been visiting the Jensens for a couple days. Mandy works Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Denny and I chilled. Uffta. Pictures are from neat glass places. Gail, Nancy and I went to see stained glass and blown glass place. The last picture is of a glass piece that Mandy and Missy and I saw. Cool.

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