Early am. I woke up at 4, but stayed in bed until 4:15. My alarm was set for 4:30. It was gray as we drove to Twin Lakes Bible camp for the triathlon. I considered for a short time not participating, but decided to go for it. It took a while to register, but I got my station set up by Missy. I brought a lawn chair to sit on while I put on my shoes. It seems hard to get up from the ground. The race check in was on the south side of the lake where we put our bike. Then we drove to the other side of the lake where the race started. First the under 39 women, then the under 39 men, then those older than 40, then relay teams, then those who registered the same day. I took off with my age group. It was great. Here are my times for posterity. Swim half mile: 20:31 minutes, 100 dash: 2:27 Transition 4:44 bike 12 miles 1:02:47 Transition :42 Run 3.1 miles 42:51 Overall time 2:11:31. I finished very last, but didn't give up and ran all the way. The only thing I really felt bad about was that they didn't start awards, until after last competitor finished the race. Luckily there was a nice breakfast with rolls juice fruit set up for everyone. It was a great experience with Mandy, Missy,and Jason. Nice to have a cheering section of Phillip, Evan, Anabel, Matt, Haley and Torren. It rained while I ran. Missy and Mandy ran with me the the last 2 miles. Missy won her age division, Jason got third, Mandy got fourth and I won my age...the only one in the group. Phillip drove us home. We forgot several things and so we had to return to get my t shirt and Missy's camera. Got back to Arthur and took the bike back to Katie B.'s. Becky and Karen had fixed spaghetti and eggplant for lunch. The guys moved the tables down from the CSA shed. Every one took naps. Haley and I started a project to paint a sign. After her nap we finished the sign. Luke helped get it put out. Then Haley and I picked flowers for the tables. Quick Shower. The 100 year old barn party started at 4. Great night. Luke and Karen went to get Mildred F. as Howard's guest. There were 52 people who came. So much fun to be in the yard. Luke grilled the brats and we ate about 5:30. Grandpa told about the barn as kids played on tramp, etc. People toured the barn and we tried to get American Gothic pictures of everyone. Later we sat around the fire and had smores.

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