Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lunch with Mandy at hospital

Another full day... or at least a lot of hours spent at school. I stopped at Howard's. He was still in bed and said that Mandy had gone to work about an hour earlier. Mandy told me later today that if Howard wasn't up it would be a good time to put away dishes, load dishwasher, etc. I stopped at the Sheriff's office before going to school to inform them that we may be calling 911 if we have a student that takes off running. Then I made a quick stop at the hospital to see if Mandy wanted to eat lunch with me. School was filled with deciding who was teaching whom in the resource room. Then I had a 11:30 family conference with principal and guidance counselor. We had it in the library. There are lots of students with lots of needs. I went to the hospital about 12:30 and met Mandy for lunch. Then back to school. Mandy called about 5 and we ran the trail. Great idea ... Thanks Mandy. Back to school til 7. It was great to come home and have Brooks greet me at the house door that opens into the garage. He was saying, "I'm naked.". Yup, you sure are Brooks. Pretty cute. Missy shared her ratatouliie with us for supper. Great to see Pete and Whitney for a short "Hi". Then to bed ... I wish I slept better. Pictures are from Barn party. Everybody eating. One mohawk, Two mohawks, Lots of Johnson guys with their mouths open

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