Friday, August 10, 2012

A day with daughters in Omaha

Great day. Left Grands with Stephen and Bethany S. at 7:45. Drove to Omaha. At first Good will store we got 4 sets of new sheets. We left there and drove by taking the long route to return Denny's knee scooter. Called for Whitney's address and got behind a car accident. This was a high stress time for me, being late, not knowing the roads, waiting for the accident to let traffic through. SO GOOD to sit and chill at Whitneys'. I needed the relaxation and fellowship. Erin came out of the house beaming and gave us a great big hug. What a greeting by those gals! We chilled on the deck, had salads for lunch, and walked around the yard, visualizing the transformation for the wedding on September 1. Kathy took us to the art gallery on the way home and we drove country roads- much less stressful- all the way home. Along the 30 highway they had a buyway and we stopped at another 4-5 garage sales. Best story was Mandy having 50 cents change and wanting to get a plastic picture frame... " It's just a dollar". Phillip to Stangl's home. When we got home, Denny and I went to Larson's to see Myrna and Bruce Olson. Sounds life thier life is full, too. I was pretty shot when I finally went to bed.

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