Thursday, August 23, 2012

CSA pick up today

Early morning for Denny. He headed to Arthur before lenders meeting. I picked flowers for Cathy's birthday yesterday. I got to hospital about 7. Howard was resting. Mandy was getting off work and stayed for Dr. Luft's report. I headed up the hill. Two students were gone today and it made life easier. BUT it makes things tough for making up work that they have missed. It is hard enough sometimes to have the students get their home work done...even if they are in school. I stopped at hospital for a short time after school. Then home to the CSA barn. Missy shared her supper of egg casserole with us. Great to have one less thing to think about. I cooked 8 of my 12 ears of sweet corn and saved the other 4 for independent living class tomorrow. Denny stayed at hospital til about 7:45 then the girls came to chill at our place. It was hard for me to go lie down at 8:30 with them out there talking. So I bought my blanket out and lay on the floor. Pictures are from last August. Anabel was showing how to dress chickens to Jensens, boys, Luke and Karen. Great memory.

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