Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday August 19

Kids came down for donuts. It was a full am. I went to the high school SS class with Alan H. and four students. After church we stopped at the bank to see if a customer had deposited some money. I tried to clean out the refrigerator and make up food for the week. When I went to Howard's at 4 he said his chest hurt this morning and so he didn't go to Manson. He way lying in bed; this way he could roll from one side to another. He could easily change his position if he was hurting. I planted the rose by the from step. We visited a little with Mandy who was getting ready for work then we went to prayer time at 6. Picture is of Kesed's baby dedication. It was Brian and Jenny's anniversary yesterday. The same as ours, but not as many years :)

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