Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday August 5

I took my Bible outside this am. What a beautiful morning. It was quite dewey. About 7:30 Haley and Torren came out and we picked flowers for church. At 8:30 I took Haley, Torren, Evan and Brooks for donuts. Torren asked specifically that we stop at GGpa and say Hi. We invited him to eat with lunch with us. The kids ate donuts during prayer time. Then I found out that there was coffee cake as we listened to the Unrues, missionaries to Belgium. After church Missy went to IG and got pizza for lunch. We ate out in the yard. It was a beautiful noon in the shade. Andy had driven back to Omaha. Matt and Luke took tomatoes, corn, peppers, basil. We spent a little time picking up the yard. Great to have 2 parties in a row so we can leave the tables in the yard for Tuesday night. Naps in the afternoon. Denny is doing the exercises Becky designed for him. We watched the Olympics. Pictures

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