Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Day of School for Teachers

I didn't sleep the best last night. Oh, yes, what will the school year bring? Lots to worry about. I know that worrying is not good ... Lord, help me to trust you. I went over to Dad's. Howard was in taking a shower when I got there. I just said Hi through the door and started in to town. I think I was in town for 12 hours. Uffta! That's a long day. Thankfully, I work with really nice ladies. Stress started when I couldn't get to the on line class on blood born pathogens ...Yea! I finally got it done. Thank you Jesus. I met with principal and sped teacher from middle school and discussed a student who I write an IEP for. Lunch was provided, but I didn't take a long time to eat it. I stayed at school and worked on stuff. Then there was an open house from 6 to 7:30. Pictures are from this weekend with Ben and Becca's kids.

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