Saturday, August 25, 2012

Trip to SC to see Home school moms

Early start... 7:30 Loaded A&B, stopped to get Mandy, Stopped at hospital, then on to SC to meet moms at Panera at 9:30. Then to a family's home because she had a overnight party and couldn't make it to Panera. She needs to know in advance so she can schedule her week, yet I don't usually have advance notice of when it will work in my life to go to SC and meet. Uffta. We did a little shopping, Mandy got scrubs at the uniform store, I got 2 tanks at Target, bread store, and McD lunch to eat on the way home. When we got to the hospital about 1:45 Denny and Phillip were there. Dad was in the mood for a brat. Linda had mentioned that they had them at the football game last night and it sounded good to Dad. Denny headed to Foodpride to get some brats to grill and bring into Dad. Karen and Luke came as we were leaving. Funniest thing that happened was that Brook's elastic pants were a little big and were falling down. I said, " Brooks, your pants are falling down." He replied," Just like the boys." He hasn't missed the HS fashion statement of the young guys that come out to work with Phillip. I got home and updated by blog with pictures. We went to Goldsmiths for supper about 6 after visiting Dad. Gary came about 6:30. I didn't sleep well at all Uffta!! Pictures are from supper. Did I tell you the everyone was pretty much watching the two little ones all night.

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