Sunday, June 30, 2013

Went to Bergman's for lunch :)

Up and devotions and picked flowers for church. Put 4 plastic vase containers in a basket. Easy to give to 4 families as they left church. Michael W. New Pharmacist, Molly and Twins, Elizabeth. Three students in SS, but nice class. After church Brenda asked us to join them for lunch. What a great meal!! Roast beef and Pork, real mashed potatoes and gravy, Peas, homemade biscuits. and peach raspberry pie with ice cream for dessert. WOW!! Jess and Christian L. were there. They had thought there were gong to be more, so she had plenty of food. Later Mike and Denny went to John A. to get a recliner that Mike was going to fix. Brenda and I cleaned up after dinner and sat out on their pretty wrap around porch. At home Denny washed the motorcycle and truck while I sewed cushions for the outside deck chairs. Another great weekend. Pictures We had a extra dog in our home. Denny had fun petting it, but it scared Evan and Brooks when it went out to the deck. It is amazing what can be found at Dose garage sale!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Birthday Kane !!!! Yesterday !!! Party today!!!

Up and devotions. I have slept pretty well the last couple nights. Denny has fixed me a glass of tart cherry juice. Brought in cushions to sew, but have not had the time to work on them. So the living room looks awful. UFFTA!! Went in to IG to register for 5K race. I was not the last to finish... The third to the last, and those three walked some of the distance. Then to Laura's. Denny was cleaning out river rock from her front area. Uffta what job. Then after meatloaf sandwich Denny and Amy went on a motorcycle ride. Laura and I drove to Rockwell City to take a phone to Bethany. Then home and quick shower. AND to Kingsley for Kane's birthday party. Such a great night.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Kane!!!!!!Friday ... Last night working until 6 pm in Arthur

Nice nights sleep. Up for devotions and to post on the blog. Called Rupp. Scheduled at tire balance and rotation for 9 am. Borrowed Amy's bike and rode 13 miles. Saw Grands get papers for completing level 2. Got hot dogs and visited with Linda F. Then to Dose to get a carry on luggage and dog costume. I swam from 12 - 1. A mile. Jon B. came when I was reading paper in sun room to get 6 foot of counter top. Then home,rested, and read the rest of the Pioneer Woman cook book. Then started to sew cushions for deck chairs. Hurrah!!! Last Friday for Denny working until 6 pm. At home we decided to call Laura. We went and got her and had BLT's, visited on deck, and in coop. Jensen's met Grandpa Alan in Carroll to hand off jeep after swimming lessons and hot dogs. In the late afternoon they loaded up 18 sheep to take to Denison sale barn for the Saturday sale. Amy came and got Laura after her date for Pizza Ranch and a movie. Nice Day. I think Mandy headed to northern Minnesota today. Pictures are of U pick edible peas at CSA pickup on Thursday. So cute to have all the kids involved.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pray for Wunschels.

As I look back, it was a good day. So thankful to the Lord. 49 days until school starts and I really don't talk about it around Denny because he has no 49s day of summer. Thank you, Jesus, for my job, Please help me do better at being a sped teacher. Got up and thought about going to rec center early to swim, but no.... Went out and put together flowers that I had picked yesterday. 16 small bunches. Started on 3 larger bouquets. Took grands in to swimming lessons. First to Dose GS. I told each that I would buy them something for a dollar. JUST GOT A PHONE CALL. Don and Peggy Wunschel were in a pretty serious motorcycle accident. A dog ran out in front of them. Peggy- broken leg in 3 places, looking at a 10 hour surgery, Don-broken collar bone, bruised ribs, and checking for internal injuries. Life flighted to Sioux City hospital. Keep them and their doctors in your prayers. We never know what a day may bring. So thankful that I know the Author of the days. After swimming lessons, back home, finished putting flower arrangements together. Bible study at 1:30 to 3:30. Teresa, Susan, Jennifer P., Laura and myself. It was nice to have Susan just wait here until 4:30 CSA pickup. Denny had me drive the 4 wheeler while he sprayed weeds at the unit. Great supper of red waddle out on the deck. Nice day. Lord, Thank you that you are with Don and Peggy each step of the way. May they and their family feel your presence. As Hannah Faith W. U. moves to Lincoln from Omaha to help with a new church plant I was impressed and encouraged by her post... Hannah Faith U.... It's final, folks! This place is no longer ours. Something about your first home makes it hard to leave. The endless memories, roommates and laughs and tears shared here. We brought our baby boys home here and have watched them begin their lives. But most importantly, the Gospel has been shared here and the love of Christ has hopefully been poured upon every foot that has stepped inside. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us with our next home. Ultimately it's His. Hopefully that is the prayer of our hearts, too, that in our homes " the gospel has been shared and the Love of Christ has been poured upon every foot that has stepped inside." Thanks, Hannah.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Anniversary Missy and Phillip 9 years!!!

Missy and I went swimming this am. I swam a mile in less that an hour. My fastest time. Bossy has not had her calf. We are waiting and checking. Took trash out today and made arrangements to get the tires balanced on Wed. July 3. Mandy heads to boundary waters tomorrow with the Cook family. Annual trip. I took pictures of Jensens for a Covenant article. Sunny am, hard to get a good shot by the garden. Nice link to Matt's interview for Green Valley Church. You may have to copy the URL and paste it to see the church video of Matt and Becky.

Fun Salad and Sunset at Harskamps

I woke up around 2-3. Bummer. Slept again until 6. I thought about going in to swim, but didn't. I did drive the Jensen's in for swimming lessons while I did errands. Got a few groceries, stopped at library. They didn't have the Box Car children. What's with that? How can they not have my favorite book growing up. The reason I love to go to dumps and thrift stores, the reason I think it is good to eat vegetables that are thinned out and one of the places I got my work ethic, and the possibility of a refrigerator in a stream and making a dammed up swimming hole. And the idea of making a house out of a box car ... or a house extension out of a chicken coop. So many good concepts. I may have to check out if Amazon has copies I could buy for my posterity. I made a dessert for the salad supper and made a batch of fresh dill buns, Plus cut a bouquet for Julie L. At 5 I headed to Arthur to meet Michelle W. She and her husband own Thistledown (a favorite growing place of mine. We had a great time looking at all of Ken and Darts plants in the yard. So much fun. The salads were great. Julie did a great job just telling about her life. As I took Michelle back to Arthur I passed out gravel road and asked her if she wanted to see our place. She did. It was fun to talk to her about gardens,activities, and life. Fun night. Mary G. also had been given some dresses from Marilyn Grahams. They were free to the takers. a href="" imageanchor="1" >

Monday, June 24, 2013

Swam and biked

Early start. To the rec center for a mile of swimming. Then home by 6:20. Missy and Phillip were weeding. I had breakfast and visited with Denny. Then out to weed with Missy. I went in to clean and about 9:30 Marilyn called. I could take boxes into her sale at 1. I went over to load boxes. Before I knew it it was 12:30. Headed into IG and visited with Harskamps. Then to drop off boxes. I went to Cutshalls and borrowed a bike and rode 13 miles, around the trail, out to Moorehead, twice. It was really nice, but I had to push the bike up the trail hill by the Moorehead pond dam. Pictures from Tuesday night Salads at Sunset. One day early.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Shining husband ...

It rained last night. Hopefully the biting horseflies are gone. I have more and more color in my flower garden. Went out and got enough for 3 small bouquets for the front of church. Only had Amy and Grace for SS. so we went across the street for donuts. I had seen Sparkies had good donuts when we took the Grands before SS. After church we had a great salad, then naps. When I got up, I walked the garden. Missy headed out to run the section and I thought that would be a good thing for me to do too. So off I went ... very slowly. When I got back Missy and Phillip were cleaning the van and getting the canoes ready for a Crawford Creek dipping. Denny and I headed to Arthur for Fire department supper. Then to prayer time at church. I told Denny I was going outside. After a while he came out. With stuff to shine. His shoes ... The guy loves to clean, shine and polish. So 30 minutes later he had 5 shining pairs of shoes. Bugs are getting bad, I think I will go in too. I forgot to mention that as he shined, he listened to Car Talk and laughed all the way through it. Great entertainment.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nice not to work at a job on Saturday

I got up and didn't stop going all day. Nice day, but I am tired. Mandy and Jason ran a half marathon today. I think they used starting blocks. Hope they had their steps down before going over the first hurdle. I weeded in am and planted daisys. Missy was working on her class all day. Before lunch I took pop to share and The Boxcar Children to the coop and read it to the grands. Denny mowed at the unit. We really didn't stop for lunch. I mowed and he to chain saw to some trees at the unit. It rained about 3 and so we stopped and sat on deck for a while. Then it stopped and Denny took tractor and blade to flatten out some of the ruts up at the unit. I headed to Stephanie's to help pull weeds and be a sounding block to listen to her ideas. We were plagued by biting flies at her home. But when I got to my home and tried to plant 26 small asters in the flower bed ... The biting horse flies were terrible. I will never make it during the tribulation when the scorpions will sting and people will die because of their pain. I was yelling and swatting and shaking but the flies were awful ... I think once they tasted my blood they kept biting and coming for more. I took a long hot shower, afterward I still hurt. Luckily no welts though. Pictures are of the runners. and tables that Torren and Haley had a their parents garage sale.

Friday, June 21, 2013

It is good to have incentives

I was awake from 3-4:30, Didn't get out of bed. But then slept until 7. Kind of a treat to stay in bed that late. Devotions and some of Dad's good coffee as I walk outside and looked at flower beds. I had a goal, if I got the asparagus bed weeded and most of Bob's plants in the ground, and the Smoke tree bed weeded I could reward myself and go to Green acres green house on the other side of Smithland. I called Cathy and she could join me. I packed a picnic lunch and picked her up about 1. Then to a park outside of Smithland. The drive through gate was locked, but we carried the basket through a walk-thru fence. As we were eating a pickup drove up and Cathy was concerned we might be in BIG trouble. Pretty funny. I only bought a colored Cleome plant at the green house , but Cathy got 3 of my favorites ... delphinium. We planted them at her house. On the way out of town I stopped at Bomgaars and got asters. $.25 a box. I love those fall flowers and hopefully they will grow. At home I watched the news. When Denny got home, he went out to play monster on the trampoline with the Grands. That means he crawled around on the trampoline and growled at them. They ran around on the tramploine and tried to avoid his reach. I steamed spinach for freezing and then went outside. It was nice out. Missy and Phillip were weeding, I joined them and visited. Nice night outside visiting and weeding. Pictures of park picnic and Grands at IG school playground taken last week.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

CSA week 2

Up at 5 for devotions. Out after Denny left early for work. I started digging and cleaning Egyption walking onions. Then went to Paulsruds to get a few plants. Also asked Bob if I could pick some flowers for CSA pick up. The roses, Coral bells and daisys were beautiful. Came home and should have planted the plants, but put together arrangements. Anabel made a sign for Evan's eggs. Then It was time to head to Bible study at Laura's. Then back to CSA pickup. All 15 families made it for pickup. Denny grilled pork chops for supper, compliments of Jensens. YUM!!! one of the best meals I have ever had. Pictures are of flowers from Bob's, Anabel making a sign for Evan to sell his eggs at the CSA pickup, grands watching a movie on Denny's phpone while he grilled and ... after the busy day, Jensens spend a quiet moment in garden.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Home all day ... Well not quite

Missy and I went to the rec center to swim at 5:30. I swam a mile. Denny had an early morning meeting. Nice phone call from Mandy as she drove to work. I spent most of the day outside. First I picked 17 bunches of flowers and put them in the CSA refrigerator. Missy was working on an onion row and so I helped her before she fed kids and put little ones down for a nap. Then they went into the pool. I tried to work on Centerpoint, but I don't think I did it right. UFFTA!! I fixed grilled burgers, potatoes, and steamed asparagus for supper. Yum. Denny and I went to Dad's and loaded up the hay mower to take to Carroll for an auction next weekend. He brought the refrigerator to the CSA barn for flowers. We sat out by the CSA barn for a while then Denny started to pull weeks in the potatoes, so I worked on the onion rows that Missy and I started this am. Phillip went to Omaha today in the beast and sold 2 barrows that were born this April. Missy and Steph went to get a bunk bed. Omar showed a male lamb to a buyer. Pictures from putting stickers on water bottles over at Mike and Brenda's. The kids were so good and so helpful. Kane crawled up on that chair across from me any time the skid loader came to move a pallet of water bottles. Torren was busy putting stickered bottles into a box at the end of my table. He loved it. Haley, Evan and Anabel helped by stickering bottles, or caring bottles to the box for Torren to stack away. Torren said he had a GREAT time.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

sprayer to Carroll?

Up early. No exercising. Just devotions and outside to enjoy the great morning. So many flower beds that I could weed. Plus I took out some iris roots out of some flower beds so other plants could grow. I decided to try and revive the huge plant from Mom's. I am putting it outside. It hasn't had water for about 6 months. It broke off and I put it in a vase of water. Don't know if it will root or not. While we were weeding Missy said that we should eat at Santa Maria's after we took the sprayer to the Carroll auction. I vacuumed the Prius and tried to clean the upholstery. Denny thought the idea of eating at Santa Marias was good... So we did. It was great. We sat outside and had stone hearth pizza. Then a Wal-Mart stop. Then back to HyVee for Tart Cherry juice concentrated. We had some out on the deck before going to sleep. Pictures are of our Date night, our mailbox,the Grands sorting out all the candy they got at the Odebolt Creek Days parade, and sprayer.