Wednesday, June 12, 2013

IEP meeting, Met Becky and got Grands at 4

Up at 5 to swim with Missy. After letting her off I stopped at Ranae F.'sand picked some daisies. Then to swim 1/2 mile. At home I got ready for IEP meeting at 8:30. The meeting lasted until about 11:15. Lynzie set her clock for pm instead of am. so I didn't get the chance to give the arrangement to her. She came to afternoon session and so I left it for her. I followed Donna and Cathy to Subway and ate with them. Then home until 2 when I left to meet Becky with the grands. We met about 4 pm south of Atlantic at mile marker 43. I had thought about stopping to see Gail, but decided to keep rolling with an hour and 20 minutes ahead of me. At home I had fixed a ham roast. I told the kids as we were riding home and Torren quickly asked,"Is it red Waddle? I just love red waddle meat!!!!" It was so cute. We took the crockpot out to the CSA shed and ate with the 6 grands out there. Jensens had 3 boys out to work. Pictures of Grands ... eating, playing and jumping on the tramp, some coming to Grandpa, and their dad sitting around the firepit. Nice day at the farm.

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