Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Home all day ... Well not quite

Missy and I went to the rec center to swim at 5:30. I swam a mile. Denny had an early morning meeting. Nice phone call from Mandy as she drove to work. I spent most of the day outside. First I picked 17 bunches of flowers and put them in the CSA refrigerator. Missy was working on an onion row and so I helped her before she fed kids and put little ones down for a nap. Then they went into the pool. I tried to work on Centerpoint, but I don't think I did it right. UFFTA!! I fixed grilled burgers, potatoes, and steamed asparagus for supper. Yum. Denny and I went to Dad's and loaded up the hay mower to take to Carroll for an auction next weekend. He brought the refrigerator to the CSA barn for flowers. We sat out by the CSA barn for a while then Denny started to pull weeks in the potatoes, so I worked on the onion rows that Missy and I started this am. Phillip went to Omaha today in the beast and sold 2 barrows that were born this April. Missy and Steph went to get a bunk bed. Omar showed a male lamb to a buyer. Pictures from putting stickers on water bottles over at Mike and Brenda's. The kids were so good and so helpful. Kane crawled up on that chair across from me any time the skid loader came to move a pallet of water bottles. Torren was busy putting stickered bottles into a box at the end of my table. He loved it. Haley, Evan and Anabel helped by stickering bottles, or caring bottles to the box for Torren to stack away. Torren said he had a GREAT time.

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