Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lunch with Goldsmiths

Slept until 7. Devotions and set table in sun room for 12. Donuts before SS. I had planned for Teresa to take SS class because there was going to be a ride to Jo Deans ... But rainy and cold and so we didn't go. I crashed the HS SS class. After church a quarterly bussiness meeting. Then home to grill brats, and heat up corn. Carol brought water melon and chips. We had bars and ice cream for dessert. They are borrowing the pickup and trailer to take Mark a bed. Naps in afternoon. Denny and I sat in coop and watched the rain fall. I worked on math book. At 6 we took Grands in to Arthur and triplets watched them while we were at prayer tome. Jensen's went to a movie. We brought and Grands home and fed them, watched at dvd and put them in bed. Nice day. Pictures

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