Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fun Salad and Sunset at Harskamps

I woke up around 2-3. Bummer. Slept again until 6. I thought about going in to swim, but didn't. I did drive the Jensen's in for swimming lessons while I did errands. Got a few groceries, stopped at library. They didn't have the Box Car children. What's with that? How can they not have my favorite book growing up. The reason I love to go to dumps and thrift stores, the reason I think it is good to eat vegetables that are thinned out and one of the places I got my work ethic, and the possibility of a refrigerator in a stream and making a dammed up swimming hole. And the idea of making a house out of a box car ... or a house extension out of a chicken coop. So many good concepts. I may have to check out if Amazon has copies I could buy for my posterity. I made a dessert for the salad supper and made a batch of fresh dill buns, Plus cut a bouquet for Julie L. At 5 I headed to Arthur to meet Michelle W. She and her husband own Thistledown (a favorite growing place of mine. We had a great time looking at all of Ken and Darts plants in the yard. So much fun. The salads were great. Julie did a great job just telling about her life. As I took Michelle back to Arthur I passed out gravel road and asked her if she wanted to see our place. She did. It was fun to talk to her about gardens,activities, and life. Fun night. Mary G. also had been given some dresses from Marilyn Grahams. They were free to the takers. a href="" imageanchor="1" >

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