Thursday, June 20, 2013

CSA week 2

Up at 5 for devotions. Out after Denny left early for work. I started digging and cleaning Egyption walking onions. Then went to Paulsruds to get a few plants. Also asked Bob if I could pick some flowers for CSA pick up. The roses, Coral bells and daisys were beautiful. Came home and should have planted the plants, but put together arrangements. Anabel made a sign for Evan's eggs. Then It was time to head to Bible study at Laura's. Then back to CSA pickup. All 15 families made it for pickup. Denny grilled pork chops for supper, compliments of Jensens. YUM!!! one of the best meals I have ever had. Pictures are of flowers from Bob's, Anabel making a sign for Evan to sell his eggs at the CSA pickup, grands watching a movie on Denny's phpone while he grilled and ... after the busy day, Jensens spend a quiet moment in garden.

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