Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pottery making, park hopping and water bottle stickers.

First CSA share today. Phillip and Missy were out in the garden. I got up and harvested onions Egyptian Walking onions. Didn't know exactly how to do it because they are pretty tangled and pithy. KIds got up about 7 and we ate Fruit Loops in CSA barn. At 9:30 we headed to Kim L. for a pottery session. She really did a great job. Kids enjoyed making things with clay and she was going to glaze and fire them later. Stopped at home briefly to get a PBJ lunch, then to Moorehead park, Ate lunch, to School playground, to Dose garage sale and home. Great day park hopping. Naps for little ones and bigger Grands watched a VCR. Between 4:30 and 6:30 12 families came for produce. It looked so pretty. We took grands to Bergmans to put stickers on 600 water bottles. It was amazing how well the grands helped. Haley and Evan put stickers on bottles, Anabel carried stuck bottles to big box, Torren lined up bottles in box and Kane sat so happily on a chair any time the bob cat came to move pallets of bottles. It took about an hour with close to 60 people working. About 75 people were there. Then hotdogs roast and good salads, chips, and brownies. Showers and to bed. Great day at the farm. Pictures of kids at Kim's to make clay figurines. SO COOL!!!

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