Monday, June 24, 2013

Swam and biked

Early start. To the rec center for a mile of swimming. Then home by 6:20. Missy and Phillip were weeding. I had breakfast and visited with Denny. Then out to weed with Missy. I went in to clean and about 9:30 Marilyn called. I could take boxes into her sale at 1. I went over to load boxes. Before I knew it it was 12:30. Headed into IG and visited with Harskamps. Then to drop off boxes. I went to Cutshalls and borrowed a bike and rode 13 miles, around the trail, out to Moorehead, twice. It was really nice, but I had to push the bike up the trail hill by the Moorehead pond dam. Pictures from Tuesday night Salads at Sunset. One day early.

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