Tuesday, June 18, 2013

sprayer to Carroll?

Up early. No exercising. Just devotions and outside to enjoy the great morning. So many flower beds that I could weed. Plus I took out some iris roots out of some flower beds so other plants could grow. I decided to try and revive the huge plant from Mom's. I am putting it outside. It hasn't had water for about 6 months. It broke off and I put it in a vase of water. Don't know if it will root or not. While we were weeding Missy said that we should eat at Santa Maria's after we took the sprayer to the Carroll auction. I vacuumed the Prius and tried to clean the upholstery. Denny thought the idea of eating at Santa Marias was good... So we did. It was great. We sat outside and had stone hearth pizza. Then a Wal-Mart stop. Then back to HyVee for Tart Cherry juice concentrated. We had some out on the deck before going to sleep. Pictures are of our Date night, our mailbox,the Grands sorting out all the candy they got at the Odebolt Creek Days parade, and sprayer.

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