Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday Get lots done ....not really

Kinda of a lazy morning. It was gray and rainy. I started to clean out back room in the bunkhouse. So much stuff that I should just pitch, but hard to part with some stuff I think was neat, but will probably never use. I guess I am exactly in the place that Nancy is in as she goes through her stuff in the basement. Denny started to maw at the unit and then the rain stopped him. He started to clean the tool shed in the machine shed. I would take breaks with him. Nearly every time he would have to google or look up something that we were talking about. I told him I would like to take a panoramic picture of the garden every 10 days. So we went to the garden and he showed me how to take a picture on the iphone. He looked over the bikes and put air in the tires, so hopefully we can ride sometime. At night we watched a movie we had seem before. So nice to have not so hot memories. :)

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