Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Awana again :)

Great breakfast in the sun room.  Kane ate everything.  I finished emptying our suitcases and washing clothes.  Kane played with a cat while I was making soil cubes for the lisianthus that are arriving this week.  I got about 635 done.  On the way to Cherokee Kane fell asleep.  (This grandkid work is hard work.)  We ate lunch with Cooks, yum!! Mandy was happy to get sweet things from Karen and baby clothes that Denny had picked up for her.  I stopped at the Blooming House.  Lots of pretty plants.  We picked up the Jensens after school.  They played at Jensens while I took a nap.  (This grandma work is hard work.  :)  )  Then to our place to play Candyland, make peanutbutter cookies for youth group, grilled cheese and tomato soup.  During 3rd and 4th girls prayer time, many girls thanked God I was back again.  It was sweet, even if it was kind of a ripple effect. One started and so the following ... followed.
So nice to spend time with Kane.  He is a sweetie.  He likes numbers and math.  (was happy counting soil cubes and trays, and windmills on the way to town.)  Very organized, (always puts dirty dishes in the dish washer, and asked for a "dirty clothes" bag to put the clothes he wore today.)   Like to leave on time and loaded his bag and stuff in the car while I visited with Jenny and Frank.   Loaded stuff for Cherokee in the car, so we could leave sooner.   Liked to play with the cat in the CSA shed.  On his own he started to draw a picture with markers that he had carried out to the CSA shed.
Lovely day in the country.

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