Thursday, March 2, 2017


You Ran 3 this am.  Then biked 3.  I went to the food pantry and played some card.  Then to pickleball.  Hurrah!!! I did not hurt myself today.  Just give me time.  I went to line dance until 10:30.   I was in the hot tub until about 1:30.  Nancy and Gail went to play bridge.  I was at the pantry from 2-4.  Shrimp on a skewer with Gail and Bruce at 5:30.  YUM!!!  
We went up to play Joker, but odd number of people, so I played pool with some guys. 
Today was Missy's big night.  Family TAG night.  39 out of 44 possible families attended.  (2 kids sick and another 3 families with other commitments).  over 140 people there.  and  it ran smoothly.  3 areas of the school were used.  Library, big gym, multipurpose room.  The eighth graders had "2 minutes left" and "dismissal time" for that rooms activities timers set on their cell phones.  Missy said it worked out great.   I hated to miss that fun night.  Denny went with Evan and Anabel.  

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