Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Got home about 1:30.  Short night, good to be home.  Brooks came over about 6:20, the rest of his family was going to DesMoines for TAG fieldtrip.  I took Brooks to school and then came home to unpack and start some clothes washing.  I made two trays full of about 72 soil blocks each.  I headed to Kingsley about 1.  Great addition to Frank and Jenny's house.   Back to Arthur about 3.  Turned off tunnel hydrant.  Waited for Brooks, then we 3 headed to visit Maryann.  At 4, Soccer practice.  Nice visit with Kristin B. during soccer practice.  After Denny changed his clothes he helped me take the rotten dahlia bulbs out of the root  cellar.  The boys wanted to see the windmills again, so we took them in the pckup.  Quick supper and baths.  Our bnb guy, Ernie, stopped by to introduce himself.  We took kids to Jensens.  They were ready for a quiet time, oops sorry.  Nice visit and catch up on their day before heading home.  Mandy called and was tickled to meet MeKenzie for supper tonight and then to Milford to pickup a couple bags of baby clothes that she bought on an online trading post.
Great day in the country.  Love the video and picture Luke sent.  Rose looks like she is growing so big.
I just added up and since March 15 we had 59 visitors to the deck.  Cru-22, Pool-9, After church-7, Iowa people-4, Pantry-7 and Pickle ball-10.  Such fun!!!!! 

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