Thursday, March 9, 2017


Ran 3.5 miles this am.  Then went to the pantry.  Oh, yes, the 50 pound bags of onions looked great, but as we opened the bags to put 5 in plastic bags for the clients,  Some onions were not good.  In fact they were smelly and slimey.  Uffta!!  Glen really did the nasty work well.  Pictured below are the hopeful avocado plants.  I am thinking it would be a miracle if they live.  The 3 in the squares were seeds from the trees at 4 seasons in August 2015.  Those plants have been babied and ignored way too long, Now it is time for them for them to make it or die.  I am not babysitting them any longer.  Nancy played bridge and I helped Gail and Bruce take door prizes to the banquet area.  I worked at the pantry from 2-4.  On the way home I invited Gloria down.  Next was the banquet.  Bruce was really in his element, giving out prizes and telling anecdotes   Very Fun time.  I came home and finished making cinnamon rolls.  Hopefully they will go to ISU Cru who are coming to the Island for Spring Break.  Another great day in the Valley, just missing Denny to make it perfect.  

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