Thursday, March 23, 2017


I went to Pantry early before Denny got up.  At 8:30 I came home to change into tennies.  We went to play pickle ball.  At home I made good and Denny cleaned.  At 1:30 we went to the pantry.  40 came to get food.  Denny gave out potatoes, watermelon and tomatoes.  I invited 7 workers to supper on the deck at 5:15. De, Glen, Shelly, Janet, Nick, Hilda, and Arnie.   I made pulled pork sandwiches, Ramen noodle salad, cuke salad, brownies, whipped cream, and garlic shrimp  with rice.  So good to use up some great food in the freezer.  So good to visit out on the windy deck.  Chilled and watched tv.

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