Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Worked outside

Lazy am.  In bed until after 9.  Coffee and breakfast on the deck.   Then Denny started to trim branches on trees by the deck.  I hauled them out to the road for Tao to pick up.  Denny also dug a trench for the extension cord that goes from the pole, past our deck, to Henderson's trailer.  We chilled out on the dock.  Then started trying to put the bike rack on Nancy's car.  Note to self.  This was not a fun project.   We stopped because of lack of success.  We both showered and took a nap.  I went out in the sun and read for an hour.  When I came in Denny was doing book work on the computer. Still no bike rack on the car, ... but I found another you tube that might help us.  Hope Springs Eternal.  Nope, didn't get it on.  We biked 5 miles in the park, walked to CVS to get coffee for tomorrow, and then watched a movie on the computer on the deck.  Another great day in the valley.

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