Thursday, May 25, 2017

Baby shower

Fun day.  It seemed like I was plumb full of stuff to do this am.  I mad coffee cake and banana muffins,  Oh, wait, may be that was yesterday.  I cleaned the big bag of spinach I had picked yesterday and made 2 batches of creamed spinach.  The recipe took cream cheese and it was good.  I went over and mowed the Jensen lawn.  I rototilled next to the barn and planted some zinnias.  I wrapped the baby cook present.  Bible study gals came at 1L30.  SG, TP, EP, JP. RT, PG, and Mary Kay R. and me.  After study MK drove over some long grass and her fron tire went into the ditch.  Mike T. came with his pickup and saved the day.  But we did get some good laughs out of it.  Susan mentioned that Whitney was coming home from Portland today and it was 25 years ago that they got her from Korea.  I went down and found a picture.  Thank you Jesus for Whitney's life and the love she added to the family.  I left at 5:15 ro drive to Cherokee for Mandy's baby shower.  So cute !! Many nice gals.  Mandy great gifts.  We cut up veggies for cowboy caviar.  

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