Friday, May 26, 2017

Dress Rehearsal

I woke up after sleeping in Cook's great extra bed.  It felt as soft as sleeping between 2 marshmallows.  I started blanching asparagus.  Then we washed windows.  Jan came and we decided which serving bowls to use.  I left for home about noon.  I tilled around flower beds and finished planting zinnias from Keith.  At 5 I headed to Denison where I met Gail,  Bruce headed north to ride bikes with Denny on the Sauk Trail,  Gail and I went to the dress rehearsal to watch Anabels' gymnastics.  Very fun.  Schrums stayed the night, too.  Great to visit.  

Yes. Rose is there!!!!  I am sure she is smiling.  :)

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