Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Headed home

At the hospital by 5:45.  The interns visited about 9.  Dr. Vega came about 10:30.  Nancy had not slept very well last night.  Justine came and visited after her ultra sound baby appointment.  What a photogenic baby.  All went well in the am and we left the hospital about 2.  It always feels good to be home.  Nancy is moving well, and feeling well, and not in very much pain.  She is taking hydrocodiene about every 4 hours, but will probably begin to take as needed after noon tomorrow.  Fluids are still being drained off the incision, but the amount is decreasing.  I went out shopping for a while while Nancy rested.  At home Denny met Kristina who is at the bnb for a couple nights.  He put up the new bedroom curtains in our room.  We had planned over Olive garden zuppa, salad and breadsticks.  YUM.  I worked alittle on the yard and cleaning the refrig.  While we were eating a friend stopped in and was amazed how well Nancy was doing.  Lord, we continue to pray that all the cancer was removed.  Karen sent out the nice picture of the Minneapolis skyline on facebook.

We moved to Minneapolis! New member in our family, new city, new jobs, new place for family and friends to visit. #newbabynewcity

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