Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday ... got a lot done

Oh, dear,  the plumbing is basement is backing up.  Not goood.  We can't wash clothes, use the dishwasher or .... etc.  I rearranged dishes in dishwasher and made neat piles of the dirty dishes from last night.  Donuts with Grands.  After church we ate out on the deck, then took naps.  I got up and went outside and started gardening.  I think I got most of it done so I can head to Savannah tomorrow early am.  Planted rest of lisanthus, dianthys, asters, liatus, lilys, sunflowers, morning glories, and then I mowed the lawn, except for the ditch.  I was hungry so I fixed orange chicken.
Great day in the country.  Denny started cleaning the floors in the laundry room and furnace room.  Denny got a call from a bnb er.  Hopefully the  plumber will come and fix stuff tomorrow, so maybe we can rent it out for Tues night.

Waaaaaa...  Waaaaaa... Waaa ... Until all three landed in horse tank to cool off.  They had just power washed it and put in fresh water.  

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