Thursday, May 18, 2017


Wonderful day !!! As I ate breakfast with Nancy and Gail I thought ... Thank you Jesus,  Life is so sweet.  Does it get much better?  I left about 9 to head to Minneapolis.  The drive thru Wisconsin could not be prettier.  Spacious roads lined with trees.  The 94 interstate in Minneapolis ... not so much.  Hated it!!!  But it was worth the agony on my part to get to Karen, Luke and Rose's.  Nice digs!!!  A corner apartment gives windows on 2 sides.  I got there about 2.  After Rose had a meal we walked to a grocery store and back to fix spinach artichoke dip and guacamole.  Keith and Jane got here after 6.  We walked to Jun's and ate Chinese.  From there Keith lead us to the baseball stadium where there was a game playing.  It would be fun to walk to a baseball game on a nice summer day.  Wonderful walk on brisk spring night.  (It was cold when I got out of the Prius at 2 in my shorts.)  
Rose was amazing!!! she just slept in Karen's swaddling all night.

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