Sunday, May 7, 2017

Saturday Bike 28 HBD supper Missy

Let's see, full day.  I made food in am: bacon, toasted pecans, picked spinach, hard boiled eggs, finished Jalapeno poppers, At 11 Brooks had a soccer meet.  So cute to watch them play.  I met Denny at home and we headed to Wall Lake about 1.  Mandy and Jason had gotten there an hour earlier and were traveling together.  Mandy on the orange bike cruiser, Jason running ... with a goal of 28 miles.  Who does that?????   Denny and I caught up with them.  Denny kept the pace and headed to Maple River,  the rest of us traveled together.  Mandy stopped in Breda after 21 miles, Jason and I continued.  It was a beautiful day.  When I got to the truck, Denny was there and we headed home.  Supper at 6 with Jensen, Remers and Cooks.  So fun!!! A lot of laughter.   We had grilled cajun tilapala, asparagus, rice, spinach salad, jalapeno poppers, spinach artichoke, salsa, pesto, and strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Kids ate out in coop, played outside and then watched a movie after dark.
Laughter is so good for the soul.

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