Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mo famous persons

Another fun day!!  Matt and I walked the dog. Sadie seems to be feeling better after medicine and a change to chicken rice to eat for a couple of days.  Becky, Kane and I walked to an asparagus patch.  On the way home we got an invitation to look at Debbie, the neighbor's back yard.  Amazing.    Cool little sheds with such neat stuff in them.  All with a pond in the back ground and wonderful landscaping through out the back yard.  Check out the place on facebook Debbies back yard. Amazing!!  At 12 we left for Helena. Famous Missouri 4th grade wax figures.  Torren was Mark Twain.  Very good job.  Kane and I headed to St Joe for a while afterwards and were home when Torren  got off the bus.  Haley got home and at 4:35 we headed to piano lessons.  Next Haley had BB practice from 6-8.  Luke called and I stopped at a play ground for the boys to play, Matt joined the call.  I stopped for DQ and GS \before heading home.  Fun day!!!

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