Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Second leg of tag team arrives

Nancy said she slept okay, soundly when she did sleep, but probably about how she usually sleeps. Harder to move, sleep on her side and then harder to roll over to other side.
I went to Hillside farmers market and to get carpet cleaner for place where I spilled my tea on Sunday night.  Note to self ... and this could be just a ditto note because it happens so often ... If you leave something not done right ... probably it will make a mess and it will take Faith longer and cause more stress by making a mess than the time it would have taken to  just do it right the first time.  Some how I was encouraged at Amelia's party when another gal was just going to do a quick thaw on cream cheese in microwave so she could use it quicker  ... and it ended up exploding in microwave ... causing extended clean up time.   I love it!!!  Thanks for living my life reality.  Misery loves company!!!  Gail got here about 2.  We had a light lunch and went to Todd's while Nancy was suppose to rest.  About 6 Coburns came with pasta salad and fruit.  Gail fixed Bratts and I fixed guacaamole.  Fun time visiting.  Denny said Kristina left the bnb so nice he wasn't sure which bedroom she used.

Posted 5 22 on facebook:

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