Saturday, September 30, 2017


Fun day!!  Jean and I went to Indianola's farmers market to find that there was a craft sale.  Didn't buy anything but some garlic for Denny to plant.  Then to Zimmermans, but first go to a garage sale on the way.  I got an outdoor work area for the Denny and grill.  It was a trick to get into the car, but we did it.  Jason is a nice boy.  We joined Stephen's mom, Arlene,  and sister Stacy to eat.  We stopped at the apple store, but didn't have time to wait for a slot when they could run diagnostics on the phone.  Stopped and Trader Joes, then to Des Moines to the airbnb that Luke and Karen booked.  They went to the wedding about 5:30.  I got to watch Rose.  I sure love her.  She missed mom and dad, but did go to sleep for the second time about 8:30.  The first time she fell asleep on my shoulder and woke up when I put her in the play pen about 7:30.  Denny got to watch Haley's third place finish in CC. 

Friday, September 29, 2017

Visiting Schrums

Another good day in the midwest.  Denny got the motorcycle and pickup cleaned and checked and he left for Savannah a little before noon.  I went to Jensens and spent time until I gave the Grands a ride to school.  Missy had early mock trial practice.  Then I straightened the house from all the FM stuff, pans, coolers, boxes, table clothes, etc.  A little after noon I headed toward Carroll.  I met Mary Kay and Vicky at Maple Junction intersection and gave them some Mexican vanilla.  Stopped and shopped in Carroll and Coon Rapids (where everything in the store was half off.)  I got to Indianola about 6.  Good to see girls and kids.  Great dinner of crockpot roasts, veggies, onion dill buns, and raspberries.  It was so nice to sit out on the deck and visit.  Jean gave Keith a call and it was good to catch up on that front.  

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Last fm

I was up to start buns.  Denny went to Jensens after Missy left for work.  Brooks was sick last night and not going to school.  Winh came out and helped me pick flowers for the FM.  She is from Viet Nam.  8 for Study.  SG  SG  TP  MW  RT  JP  MKR  Last FM in IG.  It was kids day and I gave flowers to the children. I have been using the back of my car to sell out of.  And my car is so dirty.  After I got home we chilled and then went to Jensens for instructions on dog care, etc. as they head to North Carolina for a TEAM training for Nepal missions.  Later I found out that I had not communicated well, so Jack is not coming tomorrow.  Makes me sad.  Lord, keep teaching me.  Cooks went to an ISU game tonight.  

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Another full day

I had thought I might get into IG by 8 .... Nope,  too nice to stay in bed.  I did make it by 9 for my perm from Anna.  I got DG groceries then met Judy K. at the hospital for lunch.   Quick trip home to put milk in the refrig and get working shoes.  Next to Odebolt care to see Maryann and Paul.  It is their 68? anniversary on Saturday, she thought the 4 yellow tulips might be for that, but nope, I gave them an arrangement that I made yesterday at the hy-Vee class.  I got Grands on the early out. Boys had  haircuts and Anabel and I put a trash bound table and 2 chairs in the car.  Evan went to Larsons to play and we 3 went to IG to help Bob move boxes to a wagon flatbed for an auction on Saturday.  I helped 1 1/2- 2 hours.  Bob treated Grands to ice cream before we headed home.  At home Denny mowed, cleaned out the rain gutters, took the bush hog to CC and put mulch around the south side of the house.  He got so much done.    I met Shane and Minh, our bnb'ers.  She is from Viet Nam.  Nice quieter night at Awana.  Thank you, Jesus, for the youth that come on Wed. nights and bless the leaders who volunteer.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Full Day

I was in Holstein by 8:30 to leave flowers at Mary F. house so they wouldn't overheat in my car.  I stopped at Goodwill before heading to WIT.  Good class on getting your yard and garden ready for winter.  I stopped at Subway and got a couple of sandwiches, then I headed to Joe's statistic class.  I think he was happy to see a familiar face.  We ate at the library and I gave him a care package with random food stuff.  My flower arranging class was at HY-VEE at 1:30-3.  Off to farmer's market in Holstein.  I parked along main street out of the wind.  At home we chilled and visited in the sunroom.  

Monday, September 25, 2017

Diane's pictures!!

Rainy day.  I baked 2 pans of bars for Holstein FM.  Then went outside and picked flowers in the rain.  Denny got home about 1.  Can you believe it?   A rainy Saturday and we watched a episode of Heartland in the middle of the afternoon.  Great to be with him.  We went to CC and worked for about 2 1/2 hours.  5 man hours.  It is looking pretty good.  He really cleans.  At Jensens we watched Anabel first annual jazz concert with 3 performances and 2 intermissions.  Or I think Evan might have called them transmissions.  At home I put 13 flower bunches together.   I tried to contact Joey today, he sounds pretty busy.
The pictures are take by my friend, Diane.  They are vacationing in the upper peninsula.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Mash up your cubed avocado and mix in about 1/2 tsp of garlic powder, 1/4 tsp of onion powder, 1 tsp chili powder, 1/2 tsp tapatio, 1 TBSP sour cream, 1 TBSP of your favorite salsa, a squeeze of lime juice, and about 3 TBSP of chopped up cilantro. You can also toss in some finely chopped onion, tomato, and jalapeno if that is how you like it!

Ball game

I picked snap dragons for church.  The airbnb guests left about 8:30.  The Grands and I went for donuts.   The Johnsons went to some ball games in Minneapolis.  Rose was the cutest little Viking.  Denny did the paperwork and set up Cherry Creek as a bnb.  There was a persistent possible client so we decided to list CC, but now he has not returned Denny's messages...lost interest?  I cleaned the basement for the couple coming in tomorrow.  

Saturday, September 23, 2017


While the husbands are away, the girls will play.  Fun day !!  I picked flowers for bnb then went to Mary Kay's at 9 for a road trip.  Destination Loess Hills Lavender farm.  Many stops.  In Danbury MK was interested in a broken desk/table that was priced at $50 (????? Everything there was priced about 90% over value).  I went to the gal and said,"I know this is a lot lower than what you marked,  but would you take $7 for it; she said yes ... so we loaded it in the vehicle.  Who knew??  Mapleton 5 stores, We ate a couple of dill onions buns with steak salad sandwiches as we drove, Book store in Soldier, Smalls fruit farm for pie ala mode, Lavender farm, Aronia berry farm that was closed, Logan, At Walmart I was happy to get a frame for the bnb world map and sirachi sauce and fresh ginger, Another expensive antique store with a cup and saucer for $120.   Really???  AT Mary Kays we had the rest of the lunch I packed.  It was so nice to sit in the shade and look out at the farm and visit.  I stopped at Jensens on the way home and Brooks read the condensed Boxcar children book to me.  They came over to clean out stuff from across the road and take it to the dump hole in the grove.  Then they came in for peanut soup.  (I did not drop the jar and break it this time).  Kids took baths.  
Denny watched Haley march in the band; their school got first in competion.  HUGE trophy.  Matt and Becky left for a weekend get away.   Thank you Jesus for a wonderful day.  

I will never stop loving having you here.    I will never stop loving being here. 

Friday, September 22, 2017


Last night Denny had water that he had boiled potatoes in.  We decided to use that broth to make soup.  Kale, garlic, vegetable broth, peanut butter.  I borrowed siriachi and fresh ginger root from Phillip.  The Grands were over after school and really like the soup.  So I decided to send a big jar of the soup home with Missy.  NUTS!!!!  The full jar slipped out of my hand by the sink and BROKE!!!  Not only was the soup a waste, but I broke one of my favorite 2 quart jars.  UFFTA!!

Old Town harvested 6000 pounds of grapes this season.  Full yellow tubs ... full yellow tubs in the building.  Empty clean yellow tubs now that the grapes are being processed.  

We cleaned bnb today.  Denny cleaned out the window wells and shampooed the carpet, that is addition to the regular cleaning.   He also shampooed the sunroom carpet.  About 5 he took off for St. Joe.  Haley is playing in a parade Sat am, then Sat thru Monday Matt and Becky are flying on a get away to Minneapolis.  

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Pickers came for coffee

Yesterday Ellen asked about my flowers and so I invited the grape piking crew out for coffee.  Eileen, Lenee, Ellen, and Diane with her 2 twin grands Sophia and Addison.  Joel and Denny visited.  It was a beautiful am.  They went home with flowers and basil.  But the mama cat had hidden her 4 kitties and so the twins just had to love on Lily and mama Tiger.  Study at 1:30 with MKR, SG, TP, RT, GA, JP,  Farmer's market was not very busy.  There was no meal served.  At home Denny processed potatoes for hashbrowns and I fixed party potatoes for the freezer.  

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Prairie Whole & Old Town Harvest

Denny dug potatoes.  Keeley came to visit him.  I went and picked grapes.  Karen and Rose came to visit me.  We finished the harvest of grapes and had a nice lunch afterward.   At home we mowed the lawn.  Awana tonight had 172 kids, youth and adults.  I did not know when I snitched grapes when I was picking grapes that they would stain my teeth.  They were very good, so I guess it was worth it.  It really does look nasty in the pic.  Uffta!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Farmers Market

I baked 3 batches of onion buns, brownies, and cream cheese coffee cake and made 14 flower bunches.  Denny and I walked east and went to Cherry Creek to look around.   Not sure.  After I got flowers done I worked on getting the big dead sunflowers out of the garden.  They are huge and hard to break off.  Note to self,"Do not tackle a job that gives you less time with Rose".  It was a quick stop to say hi and see Rose's smile before heading to the Holstein FM.    I brought a lot home because not much sold in Holstein.    Interesting, last week Holstein matched my highest ever sales.  Denny and I met in Sac City and used a gift certificate that expires tomorrow.  YUM!!!  Thanks Youslings!!  The steaks were awesome!!  And we brought home takeout pizza.  Denny was so happy with himself because he got so much done.  He reset electricity poles north of the machine shed.   It was a good #everydayissaturday task.  
Cute Pics of baby Jessa Rose!!!  and sister Amy.  Amy looks so thrilled!!

Monday September 18

It is a great day when I get to see my two baby Grands!!  Mandy studied NP info while I watched Jack from 8-11.  He slept during the first part of the visit (I think he looks a lot like the baby  painting).  He filled his pants (First time in 2 days and his parents were happy). Mandy had to text Jason and tell him the good news.  Jack loves to kick and stretch his arms and legs.  I stopped by Sanford on the way home for a short visit with Megan.  Rose and Karen are spending the week with Goldsmiths in IG, so I stopped to visit for about an hour.  Rose was in the middle of the LR  floor playing with lids, plastic bowls and a spatula.  While she was standing against the chair footrest she let go and the boomba of the fall to her bottom startled her.  At home I watched as Denny continued to sort thru his clothes.   (There are many)  Then I picked flowers for Holstein FM before meeting Susan and Bev in Arthur.  Great visit with Naomi.  She is driving bus for the schools and helps in the cafeteria everyday.  Wil is at UNI.  Grace is a senior at Concordia.  Denny ate supper at Jensens with Rose and Karen.  He may look into Cherry Creek bnb.   New Grand niece was born to Kevin and Justine in Madison Wisc.  Jessa Rose  was born around 7:30 and 7 pounds 5 ounces.  Thank you, Jesus for this day ... and for babies. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Lunch with Jensens

We had a great night's sleep.  I got up earlier and fixed coffee, bacon in the oven and watermelon chunks.  Denny fixed scrambled eggs.  It was good to sit and visit with Jeff and Carlos.  After church Jensens asked us over for porkburgers.  Brooks had invited Carlos over to meet the dogs.  Jeff and Carlos headed to Webster City about 2.  Restful afternoon,  I headed to Cherokee to sit in the hot tub and spend the night before watching Jack in the morning.  

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Alleen's memorial

After devotions  I went out and pulled dead asters and sunflowers from the flower area.  Jean called and Denny came outside and gave me the phone.  It took a while, but we 4 sisters got connected.  Next on my list was fixing broken umbrellas.  I had no idea 6 out of the 7 umbrellas were broken.  Mission accomplished.   I took a quick shower and headed to Nancy's and Rachel's stores.  I got to the cemetery about 10:20.  Linda W. was already there.  About 25 came to the memorial,  about half Jeff's family and half Hedstrom relations.  Nice service at cemetery and nice meal afterward.  Good to talk to Deb L K.  Jeff and Carlos stayed with us tonight.  Missy and Phillip headed to Cherokee around noon and kids got together after the Cherokee trail run.  Cooks were in charge of it and had rented a cabin in the park where the race was.  Matt headed home after the run and Luke's stayed the night at Cherry Creek.  Denny grilled pork chops and we 12 ate around the sunroom table.  So good to visit and enjoy each others company.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Full day

Oh, dear I am so disappointed.  I had this day's info all written out, but somehow it got lost or deleted.  Uffta!!!  I had a really funny (in my mind) account of how Laurie and I went walking along the IG trail in the rain and as we took a short cut to our cars and walked thru main street a big lightning flash came, we jumped, a big wind came, the umbrellas turned insideout, and a torrent of rain started.  All of this was at  8 o,clock in the am when people were coming to work.  We ran to our cars which were parked behind Trendue.  Uffta!!  From there we drove to Susan's (sopping wet) to meet Lisa VK for coffee.  Well, Lisa came and told about as they were driving to the bank all of the sudden a big lightning bolt struck at transformer?? by the bank.  They saw runners and Ken said,"Is that Faith?"    Lisa said she didn't think so.  Ken said maybe we should give these ("drenched") people a ride somewhere as they drove past them.  Oh, My!!! I am sure we were quite the sight !!!! 
Even soaking wet the coffee and visit with Susan and Lisa was wonderful.  I took Laurie back to town, she was headed to Jensen's to take a warm shower.  I took the Chromebook to the school to get it repaired and then headed to Janna's farm for a home school field trip.  They have a huge operation with everything from floppy earred bunnies to huge combines, choppers and silage movers.  Great grilled burgers and I headed to Morningside Care center to give and hour or so talk about different flowers and arranging them.  About 10 residents came to enjoy the flowers.  The computer wasn't fixed so I headed home.  We and Jensens had bought a Nepal meal at the Bridge's fundraiser last fall.  Alan was driving home from their northern cabin and was going to be late for the 7 pm meal so Brooks and Anabel joined us.  Lovely meal and so good.  
It was a full, wonderful day!!