Friday, September 15, 2017

Full day

Oh, dear I am so disappointed.  I had this day's info all written out, but somehow it got lost or deleted.  Uffta!!!  I had a really funny (in my mind) account of how Laurie and I went walking along the IG trail in the rain and as we took a short cut to our cars and walked thru main street a big lightning flash came, we jumped, a big wind came, the umbrellas turned insideout, and a torrent of rain started.  All of this was at  8 o,clock in the am when people were coming to work.  We ran to our cars which were parked behind Trendue.  Uffta!!  From there we drove to Susan's (sopping wet) to meet Lisa VK for coffee.  Well, Lisa came and told about as they were driving to the bank all of the sudden a big lightning bolt struck at transformer?? by the bank.  They saw runners and Ken said,"Is that Faith?"    Lisa said she didn't think so.  Ken said maybe we should give these ("drenched") people a ride somewhere as they drove past them.  Oh, My!!! I am sure we were quite the sight !!!! 
Even soaking wet the coffee and visit with Susan and Lisa was wonderful.  I took Laurie back to town, she was headed to Jensen's to take a warm shower.  I took the Chromebook to the school to get it repaired and then headed to Janna's farm for a home school field trip.  They have a huge operation with everything from floppy earred bunnies to huge combines, choppers and silage movers.  Great grilled burgers and I headed to Morningside Care center to give and hour or so talk about different flowers and arranging them.  About 10 residents came to enjoy the flowers.  The computer wasn't fixed so I headed home.  We and Jensens had bought a Nepal meal at the Bridge's fundraiser last fall.  Alan was driving home from their northern cabin and was going to be late for the 7 pm meal so Brooks and Anabel joined us.  Lovely meal and so good.  
It was a full, wonderful day!!

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