Friday, September 29, 2017

Visiting Schrums

Another good day in the midwest.  Denny got the motorcycle and pickup cleaned and checked and he left for Savannah a little before noon.  I went to Jensens and spent time until I gave the Grands a ride to school.  Missy had early mock trial practice.  Then I straightened the house from all the FM stuff, pans, coolers, boxes, table clothes, etc.  A little after noon I headed toward Carroll.  I met Mary Kay and Vicky at Maple Junction intersection and gave them some Mexican vanilla.  Stopped and shopped in Carroll and Coon Rapids (where everything in the store was half off.)  I got to Indianola about 6.  Good to see girls and kids.  Great dinner of crockpot roasts, veggies, onion dill buns, and raspberries.  It was so nice to sit out on the deck and visit.  Jean gave Keith a call and it was good to catch up on that front.  

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