Wednesday, September 13, 2017

early out :)

Wonderful day!!!  I picked flowers in am so they would be ready to put together on Thursday am.  I am not sure what Denny did with his Wednesday.   I guess he mowed.  He fixed up the Dixon; the day before he went thru the Grasshopper and got it ready for next year.  I picked up the Grands from early out and we went to play Mexican Train dominoes with Maryann.  When we got home Evan mowed and others played outside.  We baked some cookies and Evan used the hand blenders to make Watermelon juice shakes.  The first Awana of the year went well.  20+ sparks, 28+ T&T girls, about 20+ T&T boys, 15 cubbies,  Thank you, Jesus,  May they come to know you.  

After being with Maryann, I looked up Cassity's post from Maryann's birthday.  Pretty wise use of weather incentive to have Grands play outside.  So I used it.  "It is hot today, so you better play outside because soon it will be cold."    Worked great!!!

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shorts, text and outdoor  (Same thought as Nette from Monday!!!)  


It was so nice to get the chance to spend Sunday celebrating my Grandma Mary’s 90th birthday; thank you Nancy  for organizing the event. I have so many fond memories of time with my grandma growing up….gardening, couponing, exploring outside, climbing trees, going to her hair appointments at Norma’s, playing dress-up with her old nursing uniforms, taking care of great-grandma DeDe, taking runs/walks down the gravel road while she would bike behind us, and wading in the stream full of leeches . When she would pick us up from school or come to our sporting events, she always had a cooler full of drinks and snacks (even if we were just a mile from home). She would tell us in the Winter: “Go outside and play; pretty soon it’s going to be too warm and you’ll want to be inside.” and then in the Summer she’d say: “Go outside and play; pretty soon it’s going to be too cold and you’ll want to be inside.” She is one of the kindest persons I know, a prayer warrior, and can carry on a conversation with anyone. What a blessing she has been in my life.

Cassity, Maryann has been a blessing in my life, too.  

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