Thursday, September 28, 2017

Last fm

I was up to start buns.  Denny went to Jensens after Missy left for work.  Brooks was sick last night and not going to school.  Winh came out and helped me pick flowers for the FM.  She is from Viet Nam.  8 for Study.  SG  SG  TP  MW  RT  JP  MKR  Last FM in IG.  It was kids day and I gave flowers to the children. I have been using the back of my car to sell out of.  And my car is so dirty.  After I got home we chilled and then went to Jensens for instructions on dog care, etc. as they head to North Carolina for a TEAM training for Nepal missions.  Later I found out that I had not communicated well, so Jack is not coming tomorrow.  Makes me sad.  Lord, keep teaching me.  Cooks went to an ISU game tonight.  

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