Saturday, September 2, 2017

Clean up

What a great am.  We mostly just watched babies play in the living room.  Denny fixed a great breakfast with "sheets of bacon" (As described by Jason).  The next part of the day was God ordained as the family was all in the living room and Missy and Phillip discussed their TEAM application process.  Questions, answers, prayers.  The families headed out about 10.  We headed back to bed for a while.   There were lots of loads of dishes to run thru the dishwasher.  Tandy and family left after noon.  We continued cleaning and added airbnb to the list.  We had the goal of heading to Scott's for his Labor day get together.  We got most of cleaning done and left for Scott's about 6.  We got there at dusk and Gail said we could stay in the Grands' play tent, so we didn't have to set up our tent in the dark.  

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